To: City Council and Mayor Emanuel

Chicago: Ban Styrofoam Containers

Dear Mayor Emanuel and Chicago City Council Members,

Styrofoam is terrible for the planet and public health. As a resident of Chicago or potential tourists we call on you to ban styrofoam containers within Chicago's cities limits.

- Up to 30% of landfill space is filled with Styrofoam and other plastics
- When Styrofoam is dumped in the environment, it is notorious for breaking up into pieces and clogging animals digestive systems
- Toxic Chemicals can leach out of Styrofoam products into food that can effect human health and reproductive organs.

As the third largest city in the United States, it is your responsibility to lead by example and ban Styrofoam containers in Chicago.

As potential tourist and residents of Chicago, we urge you to ban Styrofoam containers in Chicago

Why is this important?

Styrofoam (Polystyrene foam) is terrible for the planet!

- Up to 30% of landfill space is filled with Styrofoam and other plastics
- When Styrofoam is dumped in the environment, it is notorious for breaking up into pieces and clogging animals digestive systems
- Toxic Chemicals can leach out of Styrofoam products into food that can effect human health and reproductive organs.

As the third largest city in the United States, it is your responsibility to lead by example and ban Styrofoam containers in Chicago.

As potential tourists and residents of Chicago, we urge you to ban Styrofoam containers in Chicago