To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Support Animal Welfare & Human Health: End Cruel Factory-Farming

Animals have a unique purpose with special abilities, senses, intelligence, emotional lives, and the right to live freely. They are not born to live in barbaric conditions, to be used only as a commodity for profit, then mercilessly discarded or slaughtered. We can all help: pledge to stop eating animals, or eat less, and SIGN this petition.

Why is this important?

Millions of factory-farmed animals, such as cows, chickens (including cage-free), and pigs, suffer barbaric conditions and are slaughtered inhumanely, painfully. The cruel practices of factory farming must be ended and replaced with humane, respectful ways of breeding, raising, and killing animals. Animal abuse is illegal in the U.S. yet factory farms are allowed to violate these laws.”