To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Protect Our Arctic

Arctic is a truly special place, but it is under threat from rising temperatures, oil drilling, and industrial fishing. We ask that you use your status as a leader to endorse the International Declaration on the Future of the Arctic. This charter demands action on Indigenous Peoples’ rights, climate change, oil drilling, and unsustainable fishing. Learn more at, and please sign on today.

Why is this important?

The Arctic is an amazing place, home to whales, polar bears, and other amazing creatures. We need to act now to protect it for future generations. A lot of us from the generation of the 50s,60s, and 70s are fortunate to have grandchildren or children we love and care about. Their generation deserves to grow up and have a full life on this planet. If we allow the habitat of the arctic creatures to be ruined ,we are sealing our destiny as well.