To: Diane Feinstein, Senator, Eric Swalwell, House of Representatives, and Bill Clarkson, Mayor of San Ramon

Save our Arctic!

The Arctic is a very diverse and beautiful environment with its amazing polar bears, arctic foxes, and seals. However, oil drilling , industrial fishing, and many more business are starting to find their way into the Arctic. This will drastically harm the environment and could potentially destroy it completely. We ask that you, being a leader, take a stand and endorse the International Declaration on the Future of the Arctic. This agreement demands action on Indigenous Peoples’ rights, climate change, oil drilling, and unsustainable fishing. Learn more at, and please sign on today.

Why is this important?

The Arctic is a beautiful environment and it is home to many indigenous peoples, polar bears, arctic foxes, whales, and many other beautiful creatures. They don't deserve to suffer because of the actions of the invading companies. We need to stand up for this issue and stop it before the Arctic's environment itself is destroyed.