To: Rep. Darren Soto (FL-9)

.@AlanGrayson: Stand With Obama & Pelosi on Iran Diplomacy

Florida Democratic Representative Alan Grayson should stand with House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi to fully support President Obama's efforts to secure a diplomatic agreement with Iran.

Why is this important?

Republicans in Congress are going into overdrive trying to undermine President Obama's efforts to get a diplomatic agreement with Iran. To block these Republican efforts, we need Democrats to stand together. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is standing with President Obama. [1]

Unfortunately, Florida Democratic Representative Alan Grayson, who has a national profile as a progressive Democrat, is not yet standing with President Obama and Leader Pelosi. Grayson has attacked the framework deal with Iran that the Administration and European allies negotiated with Iran, while well-known Iran hawks like Rep. Brad Sherman concede that the Administration won significant concessions from Iran in the deal. [2]

Urge Rep. Grayson to stand with President Obama and Leader Pelosi on Iran diplomacy by signing our petition.
