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To: President Donald Trump, The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, Governor Tony Evers, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

All of the profits from U.S. Goods produced in foreign countries should be divided equally among ...

All of the profits from U.S. Goods produced in foreign countries should be divided equally among all legal United States Citizens.

Why is this important?

Rationale- that manager is evading hiring and managing (teaching) U.S. Citizens to work in a game where he/she profits and the rest of us don't and also do not have viable employment opportunity to our skill level (Whether it be peacefully managing people to be productive or manual labor for those who could not excel with a college education.)

That manager however, lives in the United States, so in effect he is receiving money for not directly managing at all; hence that is not earned money so it should be divided equally among all United States Citizens in the form of a paycheck!

In effect that United States company has evaded U.S. Labor and Environmental laws.

The Corporation that committed the act can be deemed to have been “Anti-American”, hence any qualms that they have from it can be disregarded. To obstruct the process could mean jail time and or capital punishment.