To: The United States House of Representatives

All Pray and No Pay is Unconstitutional: Revoke Tax Exempt Status for Religious Organizations

Religion has become increasingly influential in social and economical politics successfully blurring the already fuzzy line that separates the government from theocratic initiatives. That is why we are calling on Harry Reid to repeal automatic tax exemptions to religious entities.

Why is this important?

Experts suggest that the U.S. economy loses more than $71 Billion per year due to the tax exempt status of religious organizations leaving everyone else to pick up the tab whether we exercise a religion or not. Churches are the only organizations that receive this automatic exemption without proof of compliance. The major stipulation required of this exemption is to maintain abstinence from political endeavors which is regularly violated in every region of the Nation. Tax exemption is a government subsidy and cash rich churches are influencing legislation.

Under this recommendation, churches may still claim tax deductions in the same manner as other charitable organizations while being held liable to the same scrutiny as said organizations in order to curtail corruption.

This shift in policy will allow religious organizations to refrain from the forfeiture of their rights to free speech under the first amendment.

This influx in revenue should be utilized to lower the average household tax burden and fund other much needed social programs.

Tell Harry Reid and and the rest of congress to enforce the U.S. Constitution and keep religion out of social policy by taking away the world's greatest weapon, money.