To: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chair

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: #AllowDebate!

The 26 Democratic presidential debates in 2007-2008 were good for the candidates, good for voters, and helped the party win the White House and gain seats in Congress. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz must remove the rule she created this year that forbids candidates from participating in debates beyond the 6 officially sanctioned by the DNC.

Why is this important?

Donald Trump and the Republicans made their case to a TV audience of 24 million in August, while the Democrats are silent until mid-October. Democrats in Iowa are being asked to make their decision after only 4 debates. Restricting candidates from debating the issues is undemocratic, and it hurts the candidates and voters who must decide who to support without enough information. The DNC Chair must #AllowDebate!