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To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

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Thomas Jefferson said "The end of democracy and the failure of the American revolution would occur when the government fell into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed corporations"; The proof that this has already happened is evident in
(1) The Expense Necessary to Achieve Public Office—for who can bankroll a candidate if not major corporations and bankers?
(2) The Roller Coaster of Success and Failure of A Federally Insured Financial Industry which defrauds its depositors and is bailed out by them, (meaning us);
(3) The Environmental Degradation and Harm to Individual and Public Health of Americans Facilitated by The Asinine Circumvention of Our Most Sacred Environmental, Public Health, and Transparency Laws by The Oil & Gas Industry, paid for by their astronomical financial contributions made to the politicians who allowed this travesty, probably in the name of;
(4) Banking, Energy, and Foreign Policies not part of serious public debate until after the fact or their deleterious effects, because;
(5) The Dishonesty suffered by The Citizenry over Most Wars and Covert Operations the United States is embroiled in which Seem to Benefit Corporations at The Expense and Welfare of Foreign and Domestic Citizens;
(6) The Health and Welfare of an overwhelming number of Americans surviving substandard Wages and Embattled Healthcare and Health Insurance Programs (or no Healthcare at all) in contrast to that of those experienced by those that govern them;
(7) Pathetically Underfunded Education and Social Welfare Programs That Many Politicians Want to Eliminate All Together—Which Would Benefit Corporations, As “Elected” Officials Work 100 days Out Of The Year Themselves Making Exorbitant Amounts of Money;
(8) Corporate Socialism and Trickle-down Economic Practices of Giving Huge Tax Deductions to The Rich Corporate Owners Who Pay Off The Politicians That Ensure This (better known as fascism);
Surely none of this is our choice, and thus a failure of representation, which violates the mandate and charter of The Constitution that provides them with the power they neglect and abuse. This petition is not aimed at blame, but at a solution to a problem that naturally affords too much power to the wealthy, corporation, and politicians by its very nature, and we are all responsible for it.

To The Members of United States Senate & House of Representatives:
We respectfully, but firmly call on you to convene a constitutional convention to amend The Constitution to ban private campaign financing and put democracy back into the hands of the majority of the electorate by establishing a publically funded electoral system
We, The E-fixed-assigned, citizens of The United States of America--call on you to bring your attention to bear on what we feel is the highly self-evident and common sense propriety of our demand.
We want publicly funded elections and the elimination of privately financed elections because pursuing and securing political office in America through private financial means and influence has become a bulwark against a multiparty election system with multiple candidates representing diverse political views that would benefit the majority of Americans, rather than a select view separated from us by wealth, culture, privilege, and political access at our expense, and because;
The electoral process in America is now a sideshow to the real issues, paying in most respects only lip-service to them and too much attention to personality, false-posturing, sensationalism, and trumped-importance agendas conducive to expensive publicity and ad campaigns; it is now an auction favoring the super-wealthy, the now famous 1% of the population at the expense of the rest of us. It is a boon to those who can afford to pay for candidates of their choice, making it near impossible for candidates from all social classes and walks of life who make up the majority of Americans.
The result of Auctioned Candidate Elections is the practical impossibility of equal representation of the electorate, since the wealth-elected candidate becomes the wealth-controlled candidate who is obliged to favor his or her benefactors rather than the interest of fair governance and the citizenry at large, becoming something perverse to the cause of democracy and justice;
The Candidate beholden to particular benefactors becomes a full-time politician rather than a full time statesman, favoring the parties that paid his way to office and guaranteeing his allegiance to them, which is a violation of the mandate of The Constitution providing for equal representation.

It is our intellectual, experiential, and spiritual contention that once political office is more accessible to the citizenry, elections are returned to the majority of the people, and representation is equal, all political, financial, social, foreign-policy, security, energy, education, transportation, health, infrastructure, and environmen...

Why is this important?

Politics in America is controlled by money--destroying democracy and putting us all in danger and a master-slave situation of control and dishonesty. We want this to stop. We want democracy, consensus, good sense, fairness, compassion, and honest elections controlling our politics in America. This is easy to achieve with short, cheap, and publicly funded "campaigns".