To: Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, reince priebus, and debbie wasserman schultz

Bernie Sanders VS Donald Trump Debate #BernieTrumpDebate

This petition is to bring Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump together with the backing of the DNC and RNC to hold a debate focusing on the issues surrounding the recent protests.

Why is this important?

Bernie Sanders VS Donald Trump Debate

This petition is to bring Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump together with the backing of the DNC and RNC to hold a debate focusing on the issues surrounding the recent protests.

Over the last few months we’ve seen both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump lay out their visions for America. Whether you agree with Trump or Sanders, both have drawn huge numbers at their rallies and both have won key states in their party’s primaries.

Over the last few days a number of groups including Bernie Sanders supporters have protested at Donald Trump’s rallies. The protests demonstrate a general feeling towards Trumps positions. But protests are also supposed to be a method to starting a conversation.

That conversation is already starting to happen over Twitter between the two campaigns.

Bernie Sanders ‏@BernieSanders Mar 11
"The politics of division has no place in our country. Trump should take responsibility for addressing his supporters' violent actions."

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump Mar13
"Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!"

However, rather than having the discussion over social media, why not have it in full view of the American people. Every mainstream media outlet in the country is already covering it. A large number of Americans are already talking about it. So why not bring both campaigns, both candidates together and debates the issues.

It isn’t something that could potentially wait till the General Election. This is a national moment, a national discussion that’s developing and happening now. It’s happening because of the positions that these two candidates both hold and as a result it’s only something that can fully be explained by the two candidates together themselves.

Let’s have a real debate!