To: Governor Brad Little

Butch Otter Must Resign

Mr. Governor,

We, the undersigned, are shocked and ashamed by your treasonous statements backing the strategy of ISIS.

By attempting to shut out refugees—who are running from ISIS—you are adopting ISIS's desired strategy. They want the US to act in ways that can be painted as anti-Muslim. Denying refugees safe haven will be used as propaganda against the US. It will lead to more innocent Syrian deaths and more US deaths.

You must resign to restore any credibility to your name or to the state of Idaho.

Why is this important?

We cannot stand idly by while bigotry spews out of governors' mansions across the country. Idaho has a large refugee population of taxpayers, teachers, etc. We must stand up for those who are marginalized, we must stand up for American values, and we must use our compassion against the hatred of ISIS.