To: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Martin O'Malley, Rand Paul, John Kasich, Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, Jill Stein, and Anyone else that wants the job!

Candidate Lie Detector Tests

It's time to get the truth out of our Presidential candidates! We should demand lie detector tests be administered to all U.S. presidential candidates for the 2016 election on live television.

Why is this important?

The next U.S. President will be faced with unprecedented and extremely difficult issues, both here at home and around the globe. We need someone we can trust, a candidate that speaks the truth and will offer concrete solutions that they firmly believe in and plan on implementing. Which U.S. Presidential candidate has the courage, confidence and integrity to face a lie detector test? More importantly, which ones don't?