To: Steve Ells, Founder and CEO of Chipotle

Chipotle: Make Sure Your Burrito Bowls are Made with Justice!

I’m calling on Chipotle to support workers at Huhtamaki, a company that supplies burrito bowl containers for Chipotle. Huhtamaki is refusing to listen to workers at its plant in Commerce, California who are facing unsafe working conditions, discrimination and having their right to a voice on the job take away. Chipotle must take a stand for these workers now!

Why is this important?

My co-workers and I work at the Huhtamaki Commerce, California plant and we’ve been fighting for a voice on the job, safer working conditions and better wages. We struggle to support our families on the wages we make and sometimes have to work in 100 degree temperatures.

But instead of meeting with us to discuss our concerns, Huhtamaki management has ignored us and retaliated against some of my co-workers for speaking out.

Since Huhtamaki is ignoring us, we’re bringing our fight for justice to one of its customers--Chipotle. Huhtamaki supplies Chipotle with burrito bowl containers and goes to great lengths to assure the public of the high ethical standards that the companies which supply its all of its ingredients must meet—“Food with Integrity.” We think those same standards should apply to Huhtamaki.

The Chipotle website boasts of its compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 in ensuring its food suppliers “demonstrate respect for people, the environment and farm animals” and that it routinely audits those suppliers to determine that they meet Chipotle’s high standards. Surely the company that supplies its burrito bowl containers should follow the same standards it expects from the farmers it gets its food from.

Sign our petition now to Chipotle CEO Steve Ells urging Chipotle to stand up for Huhtamaki workers as strongly as it stands up for the environment and animals it uses in its food.