To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress: Condemn Daesh Death Threats Against Keith Ellison & Huma Abedin

Congress should condemn Daesh ("ISIS") death threats against Rep. Keith Ellison & former State Department official Huma Abedin.

Why is this important?

Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair Keith Ellison, a high-profile supporter of Bernie Sanders, and former State Department official Huma Abedin, a high-profile supporter of Hillary Clinton, are two of the most prominent Muslim Americans in American politics.

Apparently, the anti-American terrorist group Daesh ("ISIS") has a problem with the involvement of Keith Ellison and Huma Abedin in American political life. Apparently, that contradicts the anti-American Daesh propaganda line that there's no place for Muslims in America. Apparently, that's why Daesh has issued death threats against Keith Ellison and Huma Abedin. [1]

Urge Congress to pass a resolution condemning Daesh death threats against Keith Ellison and Huma Abedin by signing our petition.
