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To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress Please Transmit the Original First Amendment To The States For Ratification

We the undersigned urge Congress to acknowledge that the 1789 Congress erred by transmitting the wrong Article the First to the States for ratification; and transmit Article the First, as approved by both the House and Senate on September 25th, 1789, to the States for ratification in the following approved form form: After the first enumeration, required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred; to which number one Representative shall be added for every subsequent increase of forty thousand, until the Representatives shall amount to two hundred, to which number one Representative shall be added for every subsequent increase of sixty thousand persons.

Why is this important?

This amendment was deemed most essential. It was placed in the 1st position and passed by a Congress consisting of Two Future US Presidents, Three former Presidents of Congress, Nine Declaration of Independence signers, four Articles of Confederation signers, and 15 US Constitution Signers. Moreover President George Washington, Chief Justice John Jay, Secretary of State and Declaration of Independence author Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury and US Constitution signer Alexander Hamilton, Attorney General and US Constitution framer Edmund Randolph, and Secretary of War Henry Knox all worked together behind the scenes to constitutionally cap, in this 1st Amendment , Congressional Districts at 60,000 persons. In their debates and letters it was clear these founders wanted, with the passage of the 1st Amendment, for the House of Representatives to remain answerable to people through the mechanism of small districts devoid of any undue influence by special interests who might fund Congressional Campaigns. The time has come, after 225 years, for the State legislators to receive, debate, and vote on the ratification of Article the First as it was passed on September 25th, 1789.