To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Congress: Cosponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act

Women are thoughtful and smart enough to make their own decisions about their bodies—that's why I hope you stand with the Women's Health Protection Act. We need a federal law to challenge state restrictions and keep politicians out of a woman's personal decision-making, and so I hope you sign onto this powerful bill.

Why is this important?

We are seeing an enormous number of attacks on a woman's fundamental freedoms across the country today.

Anti-choice politicians are dictating ridiculous regulations about hallway width and grass length and parking spaces at abortion clinics with the goal of shutting them down. They interfere with doctors who know a lot better than they do. They force women to sit through mandatory ultrasounds and pointless waiting periods, as though women weren’t capable of making decisions on our own. They make us listen to lectures full of lies.

But the fact is, the more roadblocks they put in front of safe abortion, the more they put women’s lives at risk.

That’s why the Women’s Health Protection Act is so important. It puts a stop to pointless regulations and obstacles that keep women from getting the care they need and deserve – and it’s just the beginning.

Call on your members of Congress to keep politicians out of our private decisions about pregnancy and health care and cosponsor this bill.