To: Mr. Timothy Gubbins, CalTrans District 5 Director and Mr. Neil Coonerty, Chairman, Santa Cruz Regional Transportation Commission

Crosswalk Warning Lights

Crosswalk warning lights must be installed at Mission and Van Ness Ave. in Santa Cruz to protect our kids and residents. Palo Alto Medical Foundation is opening a new medical center, including pediatrics. The crosswalk at this location is a death trap without better marking and warning lights or a traffic signal.

Why is this important?

The Mission and Van Ness crossing in Santa Cruz is a death trap. I have a property near the corner and have watched countless accidents and near-death experiences through the years. With a new medical and pediatrics center going in at this location, crosswalk warning lights or a traffic signal is badly needed. I do not want to see pregnant women and children plowed over. Because this is a four-lane road, drivers speed around stopped cars and do not see the people in the crosswalk. Over and over I have seen people nearly plowed over and cars smashed. The intersection is full of skid marks. Protect our kids and families who will be using the new PAMF center.