To: Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Chairman, U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee

Demand Jason Chaffetz Investigate Trump's Handling of Sensitive National Security Information at ...

Protect the integrity of our national security. Investigate Trump's handling of sensitive national security information at Mar-a-Lago.

Why is this important?

UPDATE: GREAT NEWS! Less than 24 hours after our petition launch and accompanying tweetstorm at the Oversight Committee handle, @OversightGOP, Chairman Chaffetz, announced that he would be probing security protocols at Mar-a-Lago security. A side-by-side comparison of the questions we requested be addressed and the Oversight Committee letter to Trump Chief of Staff Reince Preibus can be found at

We have to continue to hold Chairman Chaffetz's feet to the fire and ensure that the answers he gets on this subject are satisfactory. Our national security is at stake! Moreover, we must demand that Chaffetz does his job in all respects to hold the administration accountable. You'll be hearing from WAND soon to learn more about what we're doing to keep an eye on all matters of national security.


We demand that Jason Chaffettz immediately open an investigation into President Trump's handling of sensitive national security information -- particularly information related to North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile program and U.S. nuclear weapons -- while at his private club Mar-a-Lago on February 11, 2017.

We encourage asking the following questions:

Why wasn't the President moved to a secure location when responding to the North Korea ballistic missile launch?

Is the Mar-a-Lago dining area considered a secure location?

Is there a secure location at Mar-a-Lago?

Was classified information discussed or viewed by the President in an unsecured location at Mar-a-Lago?

Who thought it was appropriate to conduct national security business in front of Mar-a-Lago club members?

How many people were near the President during the deliberations on North Korea's missile test?

How many of them had cameras?

Were there any unsecured smartphones around the table?

If so, were the proper precautions taken to turn them off or move them away before sensitive national security discussions began?

How many Mar-a-Lago club members were taking pictures?

How many of those cameras have been checked by officials to ensure that no classified information was compromised?

Has any classified information been compromised?

Were the cell phones government issued or private property?

How does one become a Mar-a-Lago member? Is there a requirement beyond paying the $200,000 member fee?

If one joins Mar-a-Lago, can that person gain access to critical national security decision-making?

Could any of the club members be agents of Russia or China or any other adversary?

Do any of the Mar-a-Lago members have security clearances?

Is there a protocol for Mar-a-Lago members to post photos on social media sites while dining with the President?