To: Jonathan Rothschild, Tucson Mayor and Members of the Tucson City Council

Don't let Access Tucson Disappear!

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

For over 30 years, Access Tucson has served the Tucson community at little to no cost, educated thousands of people, and served independent voices and nonprofits alike in a commitment to open, independent media access for residents of our city. The savings presented by the City Manager pale in comparison to the worth of this treasure. Please do not let Access Tucson disappear!

Why is this important?

How do you put a price tag on democratic access to the powerful medium of television? For the last three decades, Tucsonans have been lucky enough not to have to answer that question.

For nearly 30 years, Access Tucson Community Media has offered an open forum for recording and presenting the political, artistic and cultural life of Tucson on TV, including the City's own information channel, Channel 12. And the best part? Access Tucson is funded through cable franchise fees and donations, NOT CITIZEN’S TAX DOLLARS. The only contribution the City makes is a small operating budget as well as the building space Access Tucson shares with Channel 12.

Unfortunately, the recent 2015/2016 budget proposed to City government would eliminate all funding for Access Tucson and force it to shut its doors as of June 30, 2014.

If Access Tucson dies, we ALL lose an irreplaceable community resource, including a 30 year video archive of Tucson history created by Tucsonans, a free and accessible community media education center & gathering space, and a one of a kind resource for "newbies" to learn how to produce, create and distribute independent media.

By losing the independent voices who now speak via Access Tucson, we lose not just a source of news and information, but a two way conversation between viewer and content creator, something that only non commercial community based channels can offer. This will not just be a loss for the Tucson community, but another nail in the coffin for independent media everywhere.

For profit companies, whether large or small, should not be the only ones allowed to speak. We ALL need independent media.

Is Tucson really willing to put a price on free speech and independent voices? Or will we remain steadfast in keeping community media accessible to all, rich or poor, popular or overlooked, young or old?

Please sign this petition to the Mayor and City Council letting them know that we still need Access Tucson!