To: Sen. Richard Durbin (IL-1)

Durbin: Illinois wants you to kill the F-35 boondoggle

Lockheed Martin's boondoggle F-35 fighter plane is a bad deal for Illinois. Senator Durbin should lead efforts to kill the program and return the money to Illinois taxpayers. We can create more Illinois jobs and live better by using the money saved for Illinois priorities rather than for corporate welfare subsidizing the megaprofits of fat cat Pentagon contractor Lockheed Martin.

Why is this important?

At $1.5 trillion, Lockheed Martin's boondoggle F-35 fighter plane is the most expensive weapons program in world history. It doesn't work as promised and steals money from urgent priorities. Fat cat Pentagon contractor Lockheed Martin is trying to protect its taxpayer-funded gravy train by pressuring Senator Durbin to keep the F-35 alive.
Tell Senator Durbin not to cave to Lockheed's pressure.
Senator Durbin has likened the F-35 to a corrupt Wall Street megabank, questioning whether the F-35 is "too big to fail."
We'll create more jobs in Illinois and people in Illinois will be better off if we kill the F-35, return the money to Illinois taxpayers, and use the money for Illinois priorities.