To: Alaina Burtenshaw, PUCN Chairman, Rebecca Wagner, PUCN Commissioner, and David Noble, PUCN Commissioner

Encourage the growth of rooftop solar systems!

Dear Public Utilities Commission of Nevada,

I urge you to support policies that encourage the growth of rooftop solar systems throughout Nevada. Protection of this policy, known as “net metering,” will continue to create Nevada jobs, allow individual investments in clean energy, stabilize our rates for the coming decades and foster economic growth by decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels. Supporting the growth of rooftop solar is supporting Nevada!


Why is this important?

Net metering is an important policy that encourages distributed generation systems, such as roof-top solar, by allowing individuals and businesses to plug into Nevada’s grid system and receive credits toward their bills for the energy their systems generate.

By supporting distributed generation, Nevada will continue private investments into the clean energy economy, harness our own natural resources and keep more of our money in state by decreasing our purchase of out of state fossil fuels, which are subject to volatile price fluctuations.