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To: President Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Keith Ellison, Elizabeth Warren, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

End the Two-Party System with Ranked Choice Voting

The real problem in our democracy is the two-party system. But we can end the two-party system with Ranked Choice Voting! Maine adopted Ranked Choice Voting on election night. Sign to support spreading this system to other states in 2018!

Why is this important?

The last election proves how horrible the two-party system is. As a poly sci major in college, I studied Ranked Choice Voting, and was excited to learn how it could create a multi-party system. Now Maine has adopted this system at the state-wide level, proving it can work. And thanks to the 2016 election, more people than ever are ready to finally end the 2 party system!

Lets make 2018 the year the America finally ended the 2 party system. We have to get Ranked Choice Voting on the ballot in more states, to replicate the success in Maine.

This is the ONE issue that can unite Independents, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens and even some Conservatives. We all stand to gain by breaking up the 2 party system.



2020-10-26 09:33:16 -0400

25 signatures reached