To: Leslie Richards, Secretary of Transportation Department and The Pennsylvania State House

Equal Access to a Driver's License for all Pennsylvania Residents

Access to a driver's license builds safer communities, generates revenue to the state and supports local businesses. Lack of local license/I.D. can lead to deportations and separation of families, a practice that hurts the state of Pennsylvania. That is why we are in support of the Reinstatement of DRIVER'S LICENSES FOR ALL PENNSYLVANIA RESIDENTS.

Why is this important?

It seems that the enemies of the liberties and rights protected in the United States have forgotten the history of the city of Philadelphia and of this great state of Pennsylvania.
Ignoring this historical legacy, in 2009 the state of Pennsylvania cancelled the Driver's Licenses of thousands of people, of every race, that had been obtained legally. These cancellations have impacted negatively the economy of our state and our public and national security. It is the rights and well-being of the people that we are ultimately concerned with. Driving does not just mean access to an automobile, but also the right to move freely, go to our jobs and thus bring food to the table for our families, the right to lead a dignified life.
The roads and highways are safer when everyone behind the wheel has a license, insurance and identification.
We request a Public Hearing in Harrisburg to The Transportation Committee of The House of Representatives, to make the Proposal HB 1450 become a Law that will recover the right to a driver's license for every person who has been denied one as part of a cruel political game.