To: The Massachusetts State House

Every Child in Massachusetts Deserves a Strong Start

Why is Massachusetts so far behind on early education? We know that early education and preschool helps set students up for a lifetime of achievement, and is an effective tool to address the achievement gap.

It's time to undo repeated cuts to early education in Massachusetts and make sure that every child gets the same strong start. Please dramatically expand access and improve quality in early education in the budget.

Why is this important?

Massachusetts should be a leader on early education, but we're falling behind.

Since 2001, we’ve seen a 50% decrease in the state’s commitment to early learning, adjusting for inflation. These cuts have led to long wait-lists for public preschool programs and undermine quality.

The Boston Globe recently reported: "... the centers that care for the neediest children in the state — the ones who, research shows, most benefit from early education — are being starved of resources."

Nearly 1 in 5 early education providers have shut their doors over the last 5 years. Because underfunding puts so much pressure on early educators, staff turnover is at or above 30 percent. We know that children learn best from an adult with whom they have a strong relationship, and this kind of turnover is unacceptable -- we must make sure teachers can afford to stay.

The years of cuts are short-sighted. For every $1 we spend on early education, we save $7 over time as kids require less special education, perform better and earn more in the workforce. It's not just smart, it's the right thing to do.

Right now, the Massachusetts Legislature is drafting their budget, and we have a chance to deliver a win for our youngest learners and their teachers. They need to hear from us that every child in Massachusetts deserves a strong start.
