To: Michael B. Steinbach, Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division and James D. Comey, Director, FBI

FBI: Fully investigate the terrorist threats that affected ballot counting and the voter suppres...

We The People beseech you to fully investigate and prosecute the terrorist threats that interfered with ballot counting and closed down a voter suppression hotline in the Arizona primary.

Bomb threats to influence an election are terrorism by every definition. Indeed, they are a graver threat even than ISIS and deserve to be every much the same priority. The number of Americans who have willingly sacrificed their lives to uphold our democracy FAR outnumbers the amount killed in EVERY terrorist attack in every nation by ISIS. Many others have risked their lives and died to live somewhere that the right to have a voice in government exists.

If we give even the slightest degree of tolerance to domestic terrorism, even terrorist threats to affect free elections, we are undermining EVERYTHING our nation has stood for, nullifying the sacrifice of countless Americans and destroying the very integrity and security of our nation and its people.

Finding those responsible, asking for public help, and fully prosecuting them as the domestic terrorists that they are, ABSOLUTELY needs to be one of your top priorities. This is especially true as one of the candidates who appears to have directly benefited from this terrorism is already under investigation by you in matters related to national security.

Why is this important?

Nosotros la gente imploramos que investiguen a fondo las amenazas terroristas que interfieren con el recuento de votos y con una línea directa de supresión de votantes en las primarias de Arizona.

Amenazas de bombas para influir en una elección es terrorismo por toda definición. El número de estadounidenses que han sacrificado voluntariamente sus vidas para defender nuestra democracia, supera la cantidad de muertos que cada ataque de terrorista causa en todas las naciones. Muchos han arriesgados sus vidas y han muerto para vivir en un lugar para tener el derecho y voz en el gobierno que existe.

Si damos el más mínimo grado de tolerancia con el terrorismo interno, incluso las amenazas terroristas que afectan a las elecciones libres, estamos quebrantando todo lo que nuestra nación ha defendido. Estaríamos anulando el sacrificio de innumerables estadounidenses y la destruyendo de la integridad y la seguridad de nuestra nación.
Encontrar a los responsables, y enjuiciar totalmente como los terroristas domésticos absolutamente tiene que ser una de sus principales prioridades. Esto es especialmente cierto si se considera baja participación electoral que beneficia a un candidato sobre otro.

The reason this is important to me? In World War Two, my grandfather had brothers who died for the security and freedom of this nation. Another was a prisoner of war. My grandfather, himself, was an intelligence agent who took his job to protect our nation from domestic terrorism seriously, and is responsible for the apprehending of 3 active Nazi sympathizers who threatened our nations security.