To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Force General Allison A. Hickey's Resignation

"Stop the abuse from the Veteran's Administration against our military heroes."

Why is this important?

Help Our Military Heroes Like They Have Helped U.S. - We demand President Obama remove Brigadier General Allison A. Hickey, Under Secretary for Benefits, for failure to take care of our military heroes!

My name is Faatimah Sabir; I am the wife of Sgt. Bilal Sabir, a highly decorated Viet Nam veteran. My husband has been fighting to get a decision in his VA benefits claim for over 8 years and counting. Many veterans' families are in the same position; military families need her gone.

Many military heroes have died, many VA claims have been destroyed, many VA employees have violated employment rules and regulations while under the supervision of this woman! Few have been held accountable, especially directors, managers, and supervisors. How many more of our military heroes have to die, never receive benefits they're entitled to, and struggle to find housing, good medical care, and employment under this wicked, uncaring, impersonal, unsympathetic General?

Petition President Obama and request General Hickey resign. Force the Veterans' Board to finalize my hero’s claim once and for all. According to Congressional Submission, FY 2015 the VBA will forward over $1.2 billion from FY 2014 – money is not the problem; it's General Hickey!

Thank you.