To: Scott Walker, Governor

Governor Walker: I’m using my tax savings to elect Mary Burke.

I’m asking Wisconsinites to stand with Mary Burke against Scott Walker by signing my petition and agreeing to use all or part of their savings from the Walker tax cuts to help elect her Governor. (Individuals can calculate their tax “windfall” at, a web site created by the Walker administration.) The cuts were political gimmicks intended to enhance his electability, not to improve the lives of his constituents.

Why is this important?

Petition Background: Scott Walker has governed regressively to promote his national profile with conservatives—at the expense of state residents. He rejected hundreds of millions of federal dollars for high-speed rail, for improved Internet service, and for Medicaid expansion; cut public education drastically to fund tax cuts for corporations and the very rich; undermined local control and environmental protection; and polarized our state. His actions have reduced our quality of life and that of all who cherish the Wisconsin tradition.