To: Randy Iwase, Chair of the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission

Hawai'i PUC: Say NO to the NextEra Takeover

Deny the NextEra buyout of HECO, MECO and HELCO. NextEra is the opposite of what we need to reach our renewable energy goals. NextEra works against rooftop PV.

Why is this important?

NextEra is seeking permission to buy HEI, which includes the HECO, MECO and HELCO utilities in Hawai'i. NextEra is primarily a nuclear and natural gas utility that has actively campaigned against rooftop solar in Florida. They give million$ to climate change deniers like Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush.

NextEra put roadblocks in the way of moving to more renewable and cheaper electricity in Florida, leaving it 13th in solar even though Florida is third in potential.

Don't believe them when they say they'll fix the grid - their solution will be to put even more impediments to rooftop solar - they have no experience in running a grid with distributed energy like Hawai'i has.