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To: President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Human Potential Being Shelved In America

Permanent and public criminal records perpetuate inequities, precluding millions of people from countless opportunities. With increased access to personal information - and mismanagement of said information - more careers demanding some sort of board regulated certification, and inequities within the justice system itself, isn't it time to reflect these changes by lessening the burden of old spent misdemeanors and minor felonies.

Why is this important?

Because 65 million Americans with criminal records face unprecedented barriers to employment; because human potential is being squandered; because a 'get tough on crime' policy created a bogged-down criminal justice system; and because policies within the American legal system have denied far too many citizens their right to trial is why I'm starting this petition.
And for the record- most countries don't hold misdemeanors against their citizens for life. Consider that, while you compete for jobs- against immigrants brought in to take the jobs that they won't give to you. Something to consider.



2020-02-16 20:23:54 -0500

Having a tough time getting people on board.
Come on- this isn't unreasonable! What's unreasonable is keeping people disenfranchised for life- for old spent misdemeanors. We're one of the few countries that does this. This is AMERICA! Let's give our people a chance to move beyond their mistakes. Or we're just putting Americans at a disadvantage in their own country- while those from other countries will enjoy an American Dream that we'll never know.