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To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Humanity has answers once people understand.

People can efficiently heal, define toxic/resolve, while restoring ecological `enhanced sustaining healthy working communities, locally and globally.

Our plan is for every community to be used as an extended classroom, network, for all present, to transition a local `plan.

Why is this important?

Every community has people left behind, people in the fog, ill uncared for, w/out jobs when there is an abundant of work to do.

Meanwhile, refugees/migrants/locals, in need of work/support, can be local mindful participants along w/patches that have better and willing to do exchanges, yet many pockets without are unaware.

Many in media/Govs offer controversy/fragmentation, producing more dysfunction. While many have greatness, wanting to work w/`we the people.

It is a crime against humanity to not efficiently support options now that work when all can gain support to give/gain, support to do one's local `plan, even if not local. Fueling the local `plan to ecologically define the rule of understanding, while each interrelates and self-reflect.

Heal/self-develop/hold self and others accountable/explore and pursue one's desires, changing global policies to work within earth/space natural systems, in peace, along w/prioritizing time-sensitive ER issues, local and afar, affecting many now.

`i come to talk story has such a plan, with your help, for all to create upon, and do this efficiently!