To: Steve Roberts, Kansas Board of Education member, John Bacon, Kansas Board of Education member, Carolyn L. Wims-Campbell, Kansas Board of Education member, Janet Waugh, Kansas Board of Education member, Deena Horst, Kansas Board of Educat...

Kansas State Board of Education: Support Climate Science in Our Schools!

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Please support the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for the benefit of Kansas children. Our students deserve a 21st century science education, and that includes learning about climate change.

Why is this important?

This Tuesday, June 11th, the Kansas State Board of Education will be voting on whether to approve the Next Generation Science Standards, an updated and comprehensive set of standards—developed by 26 states including Kansas—that ensures our students will receive a 21st century science education, which includes learning about climate change.

Sadly, climate change deniers in the state legislature are already lining up against these new research-based science standards, even as climate impacts like severe drought and floods have already harmed Kansas agriculture and communities. The Kansas Senate passed a bill that would have stopped the science standards from being adopted, and the Kansas House almost did the same. 

We will never stop pursuing the high quality of science education that our children so desperately need as they prepare for the challenges and opportunities they will face throughout their lives, until it becomes a reality in Kansas schools.

Climate change will have a huge impact on our children’s future, and we need to let the State Board of Education know that Kansas parents, grandparents and science supporters want our kids to learn the facts. Action now is critical so that we can ensure that the Board does right by our kids this Tuesday, June 11th. 

If we act today, our children and grandchildren will thank us tomorrow!


Dennis A. Newell, 2013-14 President
Kansas Association of Teachers of Science

Erin Flory Robertson
Mother & Teacher, Wichita

Lowell Bliss
Father of three children in USD 383 (Manhattan-Ogden)