To: Glen Craig, School Board Chair

Keep Adult Education in Wiscasset!

SOS: Save our School! Wiscasset Adult education facing drastic cuts. We believe in learning for everyone at every age, so please tell the Wiscasset School Board: Keep adult education in the new Wiscasset School Department and provide funds to allow for enrichment, career pathways, college transitions, high school completion, and literacy programs.

Why is this important?

While the school board recognizes the high quality of programs at Wiscasset Adult & Community Education, they are not interested in continuing to support it as is in the new Wiscasset School District.

What does this mean?

Over 100 enrichment courses available each year GONE
Office Assistant, Medical Secretary, Accounting Clerk, Dental Assitant, Clinical Medical Assistant, Microsoft Office Specialist, and many other certificate programs GONE
Career Pathways services available at no charge, such as assessments, career decision making, advising, individual learning plans, etc. GONE
45 college students who take their classes through ITV in Wiscasset will now have to drive to campus in Augusta or Brunswick
30 adults who would have earned a high school diploma will have to find someplace else to do this, along with the 75 other students who are working towards earning their high school credential
In total, over 1,500 course enrollments that would happen at Wiscasset Adult & Community Education from midcoast residents will be lost.

With a town population of about 3,000 people, this program has a wide impact throughout the midcoast. If you live in the region, but are not a Wiscasset resident, these lost opportunities will affect you or someone you know.

What can you do?

Voice your support for adult education in Wiscasset online at or You don't need to be a resident to do this. Tell us why adult education is important to you!

In addition, if you are a Wiscasset resident, speak to a school board member directly about your support for adult learning opportunities. Tell them how you want your tax dollars spent. Contact:
Glen Craig, Chair
Steven Smith, Vice Chair
Eugene Stover
Colleen Bennett
Sharon Nichols

As always, please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or comments. Call (207) 882-9710 or email [email protected].

Thank you for your support!

Wiscasset Adult & Community Education is requesting $65,599 (down from original request of $90,000) in local taxes to support a $292,000 program. Without adult education, the district will also lose more than $90,000 in state subsidy that directly supports the k-12 schools.