To: Phil Griffin, CEO MSNBC

Keep Big Ed Schultz on MSNBC

We need more LIBERAL Voices not fewer. You decisionmakers at MSNBC have shot yourselves in the foot before and will do it again, if you dump the Ed Schultz Show.

Why is this important?

MSNBC wants to dump Ed Schultz Show. I say no, they shot themselves in the foot when they dumped Keith Olberman. When will they learn?
This is the clown in charge:
Mr. Phil Griffin has been the President of MSNBC Cable L.L.C. since July 2008. Mr. Griffin has been the President of MSNBC at NBCUniversal Media, LLC since July 2008. Mr. Griffin serves as an Advisor at The Cue Ball Group, LLC. He also serves as Senior Vice President at NBC News. He is in charge of the day-to-day operations of MSNBC and NBCs Today. Prior to becoming an Executive Producer at MSNBC, Mr. Griffin was the Senior Broadcast Producer of "NBC Nightly News." He served as an Executive Incharge of Broadcast - NBC Universal, Inc., MSNBC since April 20, 2005. He is a 25 year veteran of NBC News who was with the channel since July 1996. Previously, he served as Vice President of Primetime Programming at MSNBC as well as producing "Hardball With Chris Matthews" from 1999 to 2004.