To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

National Voting Standards Act

The establishment of national voting standards. Specifically a national voting registration database; a minimum number of polling places and machines based on eligible voting population (not estimates of likely voters). A required review of all changes to voter ID laws for all fifty states. A minimum number of days out from any election that voting laws can be changed (including petitions to the courts).

Why is this important?

Over and over the voters have had to fight for the right to easily register; the right to vote early; the right to vote by mail; the right to vote without ID poll taxing. And because voting is handled by the states, districts and counties, it has been a piecemeal fight; gaining ground in one area and then losing ground in another. It is time that there were national minimal standards for voting. A minimum number of early voting days. A minimum percentage of polling places based on population. A national voting registry to ease the registration process and take it out of the hands of partisan interest groups. No one should have to stand in line for hours to vote. Voting should be easy.