To: The Nevada State House

Nevada State Assemblyman Jim Wheeler: punch yourself in the balls

Nevada State District 39 Assemblyman Jim Wheeler claimed that his job as democratically elected assemblyman for the 39th Nevada District was to do whatever his constituents asked of him, no matter how morally heinous, no matter what the consequences. In addressing a charge that if "the constituents of District 39 want to bring slavery back, he'll bring back slavery," he replied, "Yeah, I would." He went on to add, "If that's what the constituency wants that elected me, that's what they elected me for. That's what a republic is about."

As suggested by Stephen Colbert, I have started this petition in support of giving Assemblyman Wheeler a chance to prove to his constituents that he is a man of integrity, who stands by his word, and his duty to uphold the desired of his constituency.

I hereby call on the constituents of Assemblyman Wheeler, and anyone else, both in the state of Nevada, and anywhere else in this great land, to allow Mr. Wheeler the opportunity to prove his dedication to them, and the idea of democracy, and call on him to punch himself in the balls. "A solid nut punch. Not one of those knuckle-glancers, [but] a real wind-up junk-stunner."

Why is this important?

Nevada District 39 Assemblyman Jim Wheeler stated that if his constituents wanted to bring back slavery, that he would do so, that doing the will of his constituents, no matter how repugnant, was his job as an elected representative
Allow Nevada Assemblyman Jim Wheeer the opportunity to show his dedication to the citizens of his district and this republic, and call on him to honour the will of his constituents. Call on citizens of Nevada District 39 to demand that their Assemblyman punch himself in the balls.