To: State of New Mexico

New Mexico: Support Innovation. We Need It.

New Mexican political leaders profess a commitment to nurturing innovation and development in our state. However, some of the appointees charged with regulatory oversight are standing in the way.

I believe that regulators should work with citizens to ensure compliance with the law and uphold a consistent, objective application of statutes – not apply subjective interpretations in selective cases.

I want to live in a New Mexico that champions and helps sustain endeavors that foster ingenuity, enrich our community and contribute to a more beautiful quality of life.

Why is this important?

Over two years ago, we came together around our shared dedication to building alternative philanthropic models, specifically those that support New Mexico’s most culturally and economically vital nonprofit arts organizations. We incorporated as Catalyst Club and began work on our first project: ArtBar – a membership-based nonprofit club in Downtown Albuquerque that would generate grant funds through the sale of alcohol.

We are incredibly saddened to report that we will be closing ArtBar in July of 2014 after an incredible year of operations. The State of New Mexico’s Alcohol & Gaming Department has, through subjective and arbitrary interpretation of regulations, made it impossible for us to continue this enterprise.

We are, of course, upset by the loss of ArtBar and of the beautiful micro-community that blossomed around it. We are most distraught, though, by the circumstances surrounding its closure. We want to treat this as an opportunity for meaningful dialogue and change. Please join us.