To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate

New York State: time to recognize the profession of reflexology!

Recognize reflexology -the internationally acclaimed, organized and recognized, research-supported profession that is harmless, non-invasive and integrative- in New York State now!

Why is this important?

Reflexologists in New York, and national and state associations have been active for over two decades to legalize the profession in New York State- 32 other US states and many countries worldwide are ahead of New York on this front, and there is no reason that this should not change ASAP....
The reflexology Association of America adopted this definition of reflexology in 2019:
Reflexology, an integrative health practice, maps a reflection of the body predominately on the feet, hands and outer ears. It uses unique manual techniques to deliver pressure to neural pathways assisting the body to function optimally.

The effectiveness of reflexology is recognized worldwide by various national health institutions and the public at large, reflexology is a distinct complementary practice within the holistic health field. It's time to do the right thing, why withhold form the public a non-harming, stress-reducing practice, that engages the body's natural healing response?
Act ethically and adjust the laws; please sign this petition in support of legal recognition of the profession of reflexology in New York!
Please also sign if you do not live in NY state or USA: the more voices heard, the better, please share far and wide, reflexology is in the best interest of all, thank you!

How it will be delivered

If this petition hits 2,500 signatures (all that have already signed please help and recruit one more signature) I will again deliver the petition to my local senator in New York City and -again- engage the Reflexology Association of America to support our efforts... Thank you...