To: Chris Cerf, New Jersey Education Commissioner and Governor Phil Murphy

No bonus for Cami Anderson!

Don’t give Newark Superintendent Cami Anderson a $50,000 bonus after she cut Newark schools by over $50 million.

Why is this important?

This spring Christie-appointed Superintendent Cami Anderson pushed through a school budget that cut $56 million from Newark schools, slashing funding for some schools by as much as 15%. Nearly 1,000 Newark students walked out of class in protest. The Newark Board of Education gave her a vote of no confidence and the City Council unanimously called for a moratorium on any more of her ‘reforms.’

But like the CEO of a bailed out bank, Anderson is somehow still up for as much as a $50,000 bonus. Giving Anderson a massive bonus while Newark schools bleed is cronyism at its very worst, and it's an insult to New Jersey students, educators, and taxpayers.