To: Brian Pease and Governor Gavin Newsom

Non-Toxic San Diego

Please stop the spraying of Roundup/Glyphosate and all toxic chemicals in San Diego! The health of our city and our communities depends on us!

I request that our School Boards, City Council, Home Owner Associations and the County of San Diego discontinue the use of Roundup, Glyphosate based and toxic chemicals. It's time to use organic products, organize community weed pulling events or Scout projects and find healthy solutions to create a non-toxic San Diego!

Why is this important?

Let's create HEALTHY communities in San Diego by eliminating exposure to toxins that are being sprayed throughout our city.

Roundup (Glyphosate) is widely used throughout San Diego. It is being sprayed on school playgrounds, streets, greenbelts and gardens.
*Glyphosate has been declared a "probable carcinogen" by the World Health Organization.
*Linked to cell damage, genetic mutations, miscarriages, cancer, behavioral and neurological damage and autism.
I request that our School Boards, City Council, Home Owner Associations and the County of San Diego discontinue the use of Roundup, Glyphosate based and toxic chemicals. It's time to use organic products, organize community weed pulling events or Scout projects and find healthy solutions to create a non-toxic San Diego!