To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Oil Field Waste on Our Food?

Protect our food by halting the use of oil field wastewater for crop irrigation in California.

California’s Central Valley grows a great deal of the fruits and vegetables sold across the country, so this toxic practice impacts all of us, and it needs to stop immediately!

Why is this important?

California's Central Valley produces a large portion of the fruits and vegetables sold across the U.S. But did you know that oil field wastewater is being used to irrigate crops in two water districts in the region? And even though it’s happening in California, it impacts all of us at the grocery store.

Mandarin oranges, carrots and grapes are just some of the crops grown in areas that are selling farmers wastewater from oil drilling operations — and it's unclear to what extent this toxic water could be impacting the food we eat.

There has been no comprehensive testing to ensure that our food and health is protected from the hundreds of chemicals used in oil operations, some of which have been shown to be carcinogenic and toxic.

It's inexcusable that the oil industry is allowed to use American families' dinner plates as a disposal site for toxic oil field wastewater.

Tell California Governor Brown to stop allowing oil field wastewater to be dumped on farm fields!