To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown

Oregonians Oppose Gun Violence: Enforce SB 941 and Enact Stronger Gun Control

In the wake of the UCC shooting in Roseburg and the ongoing national crisis of gun violence, Oregonians demand change and accountability. We demand that Senate Bill 941, requiring background checks for private firearm sales, be immediately enforced at every level and supported with appropriate resources. We demand that local officials, such as Roseburg's own Sheriff Hanlin, be held accountable by the state for not enforcing this and other democratically-enacted regulations, due to their personal beliefs.

In addition, we demand stronger policies to prevent gun violence and modernize our weapon laws, potentially including:
-Central registration of all firearm owners and their weapons, and coordination of this data with criminal, mental health, and domestic abuse records at both the state and federal level.
-Enactment of a 28-day waiting period on all firearm purchases.
-Institution of a license requirement to possess or purchase a firearm, with obtainment of a license requiring a gun safety course, an evaluation of personal history and mental well-being, and a thorough background check.
-Requirement of a license to buy, sell, or transfer a firearm and ammunition, including through registered weapons dealers, private sales, individual transfers, and family transfers.
-Require that weapons be stored unloaded, in a gun safe, with a trigger lock. Possession of these safeguards should be necessary to obtain a firearm license.
-Render concealed carry illegal, and ban the open carry of a loaded firearm.
-Restrict ownership of automatic weapons, semi-automatic weapons, and handguns to existing owners and require their storage at a licensed gun range.
-Ban any clip or magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds.

Why is this important?

I am an Oregon resident, and I live in Eugene, not too far from Roseburg, where the UCC shooting occurred. And I know, as we all do, that this was not an isolated incident, but the latest entry in a history of senseless violence. Thousands of Americans are killed every year by firearms. Not only in large, high profile shootings like Sandy Hook, Aurora, AME, or the recent Umpqua Community College tragedy-but in domestic abuse cases, mass shootings which do not receive national attention and, overwhelmingly, suicides. These deaths are preventable, because they are all directly attributable to the ease of legally obtaining a deadly firearm-an ease unique to our country among all comparable nations. I am, like millions of Americans and Oregonians, tired of the same weary resignation and meaningless platitudes that greet every new shooting and every new family ripped apart by gun violence. We cannot be silent, no matter the outcome, no matter the seeming impossibility of change. The fallen demand action.