To: Governor Tom Wolf

PA Governor Corbett, Take the Medicaid Funds

Accept the Medicaid funds offered to PA under the Affordable Care Act. Don't deny thousands of PA citizens access to healthcare. Accepting these funds will save our hospitals from economic ruin by keeping our Emergency Departments open for all. Healthy citizens are better able to work, and accepting these millions of dollars into our state will create the jobs that you want all the poor citizens of PA to get. You have it backwards. Accept the funds first, then the jobs will come, then the healthy poor can work!

Why is this important?

Our very unpopular governor is holding hostage thousands of PA poor by not accepting Medicaid funds under the ACA. He is waiting for his plan to be approved by the ACA. His plan: a work requirement for recipients and funneling the funds to private health insurance companies to cover fewer of the poor in the coverage gap. I hope the ACA doesn't approve his plan. We need these funds to create more jobs in PA, and to keep many of our rural small hospitals open, and most important, to allow thousands of poor PA citizens to access healthcare.