To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Pass the New York Dream Act

In New York State, thousands of students are denied the right to receive a higher education due to their legal status. It is time for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to again lead by example and pass a comprehensive Dream Act here in New York, the national leader on progressive issues.

Why is this important?

America is a nation of immigrants. It is imperative that we advance educational opportunities for the children of undocumented parents, and who have grown up and continue to live in New York State.

These children cannot be expected to live on the fringes of society because they lack the economic opportunities to advance their lives.

Assistance with the costs of higher education through scholarship opportunities is essential to help the hard-working children of immigrants break the cycle of poverty and become vibrant members of an engaged and enlightened community.

These opportunities will not only assist recipients, their families and ultimately their communities but will also help motivate children by giving them Hope. Investing in education for students with limited opportunities and resources is an investment in our future.