To: Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader

Petition to Mitch Mcconnell against nomination of Senator Inhofe for Environment and Public Works...

Dear Senator McConnell,
The bi-partisan intentions that you recently expressed after your victory in the mid-term elections were encouraging to those concerned about the world we will bequeath to our children. Therefore, we the undersigned implore you to reconsider nominating Senator Inhofe as chair of the Environment and Public Works committee. Inhofe’s extremist rhetoric –such as labeling those citizens concerned about climate change as Nazis, or claiming that climate change is not in alignment with the Christian world view—are at best divisive and have no place in a bipartisan dialogue. According to a recent survey conducted by the Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, two out of every three Americans believe that global warming will harm future generations—their children and grandchildren. The Pentagon and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel released a report this past October pronouncing conclusively that climate change is an immediate and serious threat to national security with increased risks from terrorism, disease, global poverty and food shortages. One hundred percent of climate scientists, including the acclaimed Dr. James Hansen from NASA, and ninety-eight percent of all scientists have concluded that climate change is man-made, and we are well on our way to experiencing its consequences.
We understand that our nation and your home state in particular are economically tied to the fossil fuel industry, and that difficult decisions will have to be made in order to transition to a new economy and energy independence; however, please be aware that there is a tremendous popular will to make that transition. You must consider the political ramifications of ignoring the concern of the majority of American voters.
Victor Hugo stated, “Nothing is more important than an idea whose time has come.” President Obama has displayed true leadership in China this past week, and history will undoubtedly remember him favorably for it—his treaty with China will perhaps be remembered in a similar manner to the civil rights stances taken by JFK, whose memory is embedded in our American consciousness as a lasting hero. Governor George Wallace, however, failed to heed the signs of the times and is now remembered as a racist obstructionist. Will you be remembered as the man who used his political power so save our future at the critical moment by overcoming the current paralyzing polarization? Senator McConnell, you are truly a national figure and your decisions will make history-the choice is yours. Will you be condemned by future generations for spending your political life in a vain attempt to stem the tide of progress, leaving an obstructionist and non-existent legacy, or will you fulfill your bi-partisan promise by uniting the Senate and leading America toward a new epoch of sustainability and industry?

Why is this important?

Senator Mitch McConnell currently intends to nominate extremist climate-denier Senator Inhofe for Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee. Inhofe has recently written a book called "The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future," and it is crucial for the future of planet that a more moderate individual receive this post.