To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Reform America's election system

This year's election and elections past; we have experienced out of control spending, voter fraud, ballot errors, ballot equipment errors with a blind trust system that offers no confirmation of receipt for the individual voter. We need an more fair and transparent voting system that not only repairs the present problems but returns the confidence of the system back to the people while empowering their voice and options.
We demand a repeal of the electoral college to allow the elections to be decided by majority vote through the instant runoff voting system. The instant runoff voting system allow each voter to choose multiple candidates, from his preferred candidate to his least preferred candidate. If the voters primary choice does not win the majority vote his/her vote will transfer to the voters second choice; and to the third; till a single candidate with the majority vote is determined. This will allow people to examine all of their options, increase their confidence to choose the best candidate instead of the better of two evils.
Gerrymandering must be prevented. Political parties have used redistricting to strengthen their parties at the voter's expense. We demand all redistricting be removed from political party influences. The districts should be drawn by third parties outside of the influences of the politicians. All information, results and reasoning’s for redistricting must be made available for the public.
To prevent voter fraud and errors, a federal voter identification system must be established. Many citizens do not have a drivers license for identification and you do not need to be a registered voter to have a drivers license. A new voter's identification card will have a personal identification number (PIN) and photo of the card owner. This card must be renewed every 8 years to ensure the photo is updated. The voter identification system database records must be updated with the states 6 months prior to an election to ensure voter eligibility; and allow the voter time to correct any eligibility errors before the election.
Our voting system, as it is, offers no confirmation for the voter to ensure their vote has been properly recorded. Each ballot will be assigned with the voters PIN number and all ballots will be freely accessible to everyone online or a hard copy by request. The ballots will only have the users PIN number accessible for identification. This will allow the individual to check the accuracy of his ballot, make the election results fully transparent, and protect the voter's identification.
The out-of-control campaign spending must stop. SuperPACs and anonymous third party donations make up more than half of the overall campaign spending during elections. They can almost buy an election for the candidate they support, simply by spending the most money. All candidates from every party deserve an equal chance to persuade the voters. Stricter laws must be applied to stop outrageous SuperPAC and third party influences. All candidates must have an equal spending cap.
SuperPAC and third party donations and influences will be banned from elections. These donations allow these parties to influence candidates before and after the elections. Any donations to the elections will be given directly to the state or local government and evenly distributed to all candidates. The candidates should only be in dept to the citizens.
SuperPACs are not necessary to gather information and follow-ups on the candidates. This is the responsibility of the media. Candidates should work closer with independent and local media. Besides media coverage, the only political influences will come directly from the candidates themselves. All broadcast and mail influences regarding the election must only come from the candidates. Any third party or SuperPAC that violates these limitations will be prosecuted.
Candidates will no longer be allowed to accept donations. All moneys will come directly from the federal, state and local governments; within the limitations of their budgets. These moneys from the taxpayers will be evenly distributed among all candidates on the ballots to ensure an even playing field. All moneys spent by the candidates must be documented and release to public records. The citizens have every right to know exactly how these funds are being spent. Any unspent moneys will be returned back to the federal, state or local government that distributed the funds.
Limiting all candidates spending will help drive them to lead a more constructive campaign, instead of destructive campaign. They must work harder to convince voters for their support without any help or influence from anyone besides the taxpayers. They are elected by the tax payers and should remain indebted only to the tax payers.

Why is this important?

This years election and elections past; we have experienced out of control spending, voter fraud, ballot errors, ballot equipment errors with a blind trust system that offers no conformation of receipt for the individual voter. We need an more fair and transparent voting system that not only repairs the present problems but returns the confidence of the system back to the people while empowering their voice and options.