To: Phil Griffin, CEO, MSNBC

Please Give John Fugelsang His OWN Show on MSNBC

John Fugelsang has recently appeared as a guest on several shows on MSNBC and on other shows and networks. Fugelsang is a smart, well-informed and entertaining progressive who would be an excellent addition to MSNBC's cable lineup with his own show. He has a fan following that would no doubt consistently watch him on MSNBC's network and viewership would likely grow considerably, meaning great ratings for his show. We are requesting that MSNBC give John Fugelsang his own show. With Fugelsang's personality, political acumen, and progressive knowledge, his show would be entertaining and informative, as well as stimulating satisfying debate on the political, social, religious, and economic issues of our day. We feel it would be a BIG winner for both the network and his ever-growing audience.

Why is this important?

This issue is about getting someone (who has become a very important progressive voice) his own show on a major, mainstream television network.