To: George Barner, Port of Olympia Commission President, District One, Bill McGregor, Port of Olympia Commission Vice President, District Two, and Sue Gunn, Port of Olympia Commissioner Elect

Port of Olympia Stop Supporting Fracking

Port of Olympia: We need you to stop supporting the hydraulic fracturing industry. Stop taking shipments of proppants and other product or material that relates to the hydro-fracking industry.

Why is this important?

Port of Olympia has been taking shipments of a material called "proppants." These materials are used in the fracking industry of North Dakota (Bakken) oil shale. The hydro-fracking industry of North Dakota is implicated in harms: social destabilization, and serious environmental pollution has occurred. Economic gains, jobs and domestic petroleum production have resulted in a boom that will eventually end in a bust. Support for the hydraulic-fracking extreme extraction industry conflicts with building a level playing field for renewable energy to compete. For the good of all people, we need urgent transition away from fossil fuels. For health, we need sensible policies. We believe the Port of Olympia can do better than to engage in the fracking business.