To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

Postpone PA Voter ID until after the Election.

Rep. Metcalfe, please introduce a bill in the PA assembly to postpone the implementation of the Voter ID Law until after the election, to allow PA residents the time to get the necessary documentation.

Why is this important?

Over 1/2 million legally registered voters in PA are at risk for losing their right to vote this November.

Getting a Pennsylvania State ID is especially difficult for seniors, who in many cases have been voting legally for decades. PennDOT locations are not convenient for non-drivers and their hours are limited causing excessively long waits. We respectfully ask for a "stay of execution" of this law until after the election to give everyone the time to comply.

Rep. Metcalfe said: "I don’t believe any legitimate voter that actually wants to exercise that right and takes on the according responsibility that goes with that right to secure their photo ID will be disenfranchised... If individuals are too lazy, the state can’t fix that."

Yes, but maybe us, as voters, can fix stupid. This law doesn't stop fraud, it only stops voting. We cannot count on the Courts. The Dept of State keeps changing the requirements, confusing everyone. We, the people, have to take action so please sign and share so the PA assembly pays attention when it is delivered to them in Harrisburg next week.

Check out the new petition/pledge to vote for Atticus Finch in the 52 districts where assembly members who voted for voter ID are running unopposed in Nov.