To: Barack Obama, President of the United States

Primary Debates Need Exposure on Local TV [PBS] & Radio[NPR]

We the People! need to petition President Obama to make an EXECUTIVE ORDER to have the remaining RNC and DNC Presidential Primary Debates air on LOCAL TV / BASIC Cable and RADIO [e.g., like it was years ago, the old days before our Democracy was stolen]. This is not a real Presidential Primary Debate unless ALL AMERICANS can see/listen to the contenders. This is OUR Democracy! Corporations and Billionaires may own OUR media, but they don't OWN US YET! ! This is gross negligence of the Democratic Process to disenfranchise the poor and a blatant symbol of "Classism" in this country and un-American. Their vote deserves to be acknowledged as much as any of us with a computer and the internet. Democracy functions best when it is For the People and By the People. STOP Corporate greed from stealing our Democracy.

Why is this important?

I recently discovered why all the CNA's [Certified Nursing Assistants] I work with are uninformed regarding politics in this country. Many work 2-3 jobs to afford basics [food, shelter, car] and many confided that they can not afford what is called "expanded cable" [too expensive for them]. The poor are being disenfranchised. This is NOT Democracy.