To: The Oregon State Senate

Protect LGBT Youth: Ban Gay Conversion Therapy in Oregon

The Oregon House just passed HB 2307, which would ban mental health care providers from using so-called conversion therapy—a hateful and medically discredited practice that attempts to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity—on people younger than 18. Please pass HB 2307 in the Oregon Senate to protect Oregon's LGBT youth from this harmful practice.

Why is this important?

LGBT youth suffer from homelessness, depression, and suicide in far greater numbers compared to their straight peers. This is largely caused by the misguided and harmful beliefs that sexual orientation and gender identity are a choice, not an innate aspect of one's humanity, and that any sexual orientation or gender identity other than "straight" is morally wrong. Our LGBT children are perfect as they are; we must stand with and protect them from anyone and everyone who says otherwise.